Concept, Details and Precision
Sed sagittis, elit egestas rutrum vehicula, neque dolor fringilla lacus, ut rhoncus turpis augue vitae libero. Nam risus velit, rhoncus eget consectetur id, posuere eget diam pretium cursus at ligula.
Creative Building
DESCRIPTION: Teams are issued with 50 to 150 small planks each. They have to build anything from a tower, car, house, a portrait in certain given times. Everyone has to partake and teams with highest, biggest, best and most used planks are the winners – Lego building is also available
LESSONS: Creativity, time management, initiative, job satisfaction, communication

Remote control cars
Description: Put your remote controlled 4 x 4 to the test on a challenging and daring track. This is for smaller groups up to 12 delegates. It consists of two to three parts that can be done in rotation or one after the other. A speed exercise over a distance where time is taken, an obstacle exercise where they have to manoeuvre over bridges, balancing beams, minefield etc.
DURATION: 1h30 min
LESSONS: This is a very tactical and a good planning and communication exercise, focus, concentration, having fun, new skills.
Map & Compass Tango
Description: Find your way with a challenging experience. It starts with a short lecture and then teams have to walk on a few legs to different points, as accurately as possible. At the end teams receive a questionnaire to complete from the map. The exercise ends with an activity where direction and distance to an object has to be guessed.
DURATION: 1h30 – 2 Hours
LESSONS: Team work, trust, having fun, accuracy, sense of direction

Trivial Pursuit
Description: It is a general knowledge quiz on a screen. Quick reaction is important
LESSONS: Fun, Competition.

Treasure / Scavenger Hunt
DESCRIPTION: Get cryptic clues, visit different points, do challenges and end up somewhere where you can find a treasure.
LESSONS: Fun, teamwork and planning
Frisbee Golf
DESCRIPTION: Play golf with a Frisbee. It is played on the same principle as golf. Instead of a hole it is a marked circle. It can also include things like longest drive,
closest to the hole, hole in one etc.
DURATION: 1h30 min
LESSONS: Team work, competition fun, team spirit